Generation spec


Generation spec is a C# class which acts as a configuration file to select which types should be exported to TypeScript and how barrels (if any) should be generated. All generation specs must derive from TypeGen.Core.SpecGeneration.GenerationSpec. Inside a generation spec, it is possible to select types for generation or add barrels by invoking AddClass, AddInterface, AddEnum or AddBarrel methods in 3 different places:

  • OnBeforeGeneration method - a virtual method invoked before files are generated. It’s advised to add all C# types to generate in this method, as it exposes the currently used GeneratorOptions instance (available through OnBeforeGenerationArgs), which can be helpful in specifying additional logic based on the currently used generation options. This is not the optimal place to put AddBarrel calls, as the directory structure for TypeScript sources may not yet have been created in the file system.
  • OnBeforeBarrelGeneration method - a virtual method invoked after C# types are translated and saved to TypeScript files, but before any barrels are generated. This is the place to put any AddBarrel method calls. Because OnBeforeBarrelGeneration is invoked after TypeScript types are saved in the file system, it’s possible to add barrel files based on the directory structure of the generated TypeScript files (GeneratorOptions.BaseOutputDirectory can be used to access the “global” output directory for the generated TypeScript sources).
  • class constructor - class constructor is invoked before files are generated, and therefore it’s possible to add C# types for generation in the constructor. However, this should be avoided in favor of adding types in the OnBeforeGeneration method, as OnBeforeGeneration gives access to an instance of GeneratorOptions (i.e. options used for file generation), which can be further used to customize the logic of adding C# types.

It is possible to express everything that can be written with attributes using generation specs, because each attribute has an equivalent in the generation spec configuration. For example, an equivalent of [TsTypeAttribute(TsType.String)] would e.g. be AddClass<...>().Member("MemberName").Type(TsType.String).

To perform file generation from one or more generation specs, their class names should be passed to the generationSpecs config option.

If any generation specs are present in the generationSpecs config option, TypeGen will perform file generation only from generation specs (i.e. not from attributes in the specified assemblies). To perform file generation from both attributes (in the specified assemblies) and generation specs, you can use the generateFromAssemblies config option.


public class MyProjectGenerationSpec : GenerationSpec
    public override void OnBeforeGeneration(OnBeforeGenerationArgs args)


            .Member(nameof(PersonDto.Id))  // specifying member options
            .Member(x => nameof(x.Age))    // you can specify member name with lambda

            .IgnoreBase();                 // specifying type options

        AddClass(typeof(GenericDto<>));    // specifying types by Type instance

        AddEnum<ProductType>("output/dir") // specifying an enum

        // generate everything from an assembly

        foreach (Type type in GetType().Assembly.GetLoadableTypes())

        // generate types by namespace

        IEnumerable<Type> types = GetType().Assembly.GetLoadableTypes()
            .Where(x => x.FullName.StartsWith("MyProject.Web.Dtos"));
        foreach (Type type in types)

    public override void OnBeforeBarrelGeneration(OnBeforeBarrelGenerationArgs args)
        AddBarrel(".", BarrelScope.Files); // adds one barrel file in the global TypeScript output directory containing only files from that directory

        AddBarrel(".", BarrelScope.Files | BarrelScope.Directories); // equivalent to AddBarrel("."); adds one barrel file in the global TypeScript output directory containing all files and directories from that directory

        // the following code, for each directory, creates a barrel file containing all files and directories from that directory

        IEnumerable<string> directories = GetAllDirectoriesRecursive(args.GeneratorOptions.BaseOutputDirectory)
            .Select(x => GetPathDiff(args.GeneratorOptions.BaseOutputDirectory, x));

        foreach (string directory in directories)


    private string GetPathDiff(string pathFrom, string pathTo)
        var pathFromUri = new Uri("file:///" + pathFrom?.Replace('\\', '/'));
        var pathToUri = new Uri("file:///" + pathTo?.Replace('\\', '/'));

        return pathFromUri.MakeRelativeUri(pathToUri).ToString();

    private IEnumerable<string> GetAllDirectoriesRecursive(string directory)
        var result = new List<string>();
        string[] subdirectories = Directory.GetDirectories(directory);

        if (!subdirectories.Any()) return result;


        foreach (string subdirectory in subdirectories)

        return result;