
Converters allow for converting C# names to TypeScript names, by defining conversion rules between naming conventions.

A Converter is a class that defines logic for switching from one naming convention to another. There are 2 types of converters in TypeGen: member name converters and type name converters. Type name converters can convert names depending on the currently generated C# type (Type instance) and member name converters can convert names depending on the currently generated C# member (MemberInfo instance). All member name converters implement the IMemberNameConverter interface, and all type name converters implement ITypeNameConverter.

All converters available out-of-the-box in TypeGen are both member name converters and type name converters (implement both interfaces). The natively available converters are:

  • PascalCaseToCamelCaseConverter - converts PascalCase names to camelCase names
  • PascalCaseToKebabCaseConverter - converts PascalCase names to kebab-case names
  • UnderscoreCaseToCamelCaseConverter - converts underscore_case (or UNDERSCORE_CASE) names to camelCase names
  • UnderscoreCaseToPascalCaseConverter - converts underscore_case (or UNDERSCORE_CASE) names to PascalCase names

Converter collections

Converter collections (or chains) are used in TypeGen to perform a conversion between naming conventions. There are 2 types of converter collections: member name converter collection (for member name converters) and type name converter collection (for type name converters). A converter collection defines a chain of converters that will be used to convert names.

For example, a converter collection containing two converters (in this order): UnderscoreCaseToPascalCaseConverter and StripDtoConverter (which removes the “Dto” suffix), will convert the name MY_CLASS_DTO in the following way:

  1. First, UnderscoreCaseToPascalCaseConverter will convert MY_CLASS_DTO to MyClassDto
  2. Then, the second converter (StripDtoConverter) will be used to convert MyClassDto to MyClass

Therefore, this particular converter collection will convert a name MY_CLASS_DTO to MyClass.

Writing your own converter - example

Type name and member name converter

Let’s say you want the generated TypeScript files’ names to be kebab-case, but without the trailing DTO, which is present in your C# class names (let’s say you have e.g. a C# class called ProductDTO).

One way to do this is to combine the natively available PascalCaseToKebabCase converter with some custom converter that strips the DTO suffix from the C# class name (if the class name ends with DTO). Such converter could be implemented as both member name converter and type name converter, since it doesn’t depend on the generated type (it could be reused for property name conversion).

Here’s one implementation of such converter:

public class StripDtoConverter : IMemberNameConverter, ITypeNameConverter
    public string Convert(string name, MemberInfo memberInfo)
        return ConvertName(name);

    public string Convert(string name, Type type)
        return ConvertName(name);

    public string ConvertName(string name)
        return name.ToUpperInvariant().EndsWith("DTO") ? name.Substring(0, name.Length - 3) : name;

Now you can create a converter chain that first strips the DTO from the C# class name, and later converts the DTO-less name to kebab-case:

  • in CLI: specify [“StripDto”, “PascalCaseToKebabCase”] for the fileNameConverters parameter in your tgconfig.json
  • programmatically: create a converter chain: new TypeNameConverterCollection(new StripDtoConverter(), new PascalCaseToKebabCaseConverter()) and pass it in the generator options (FileNameConverters property)

Type name converter

Sometimes you may want to make TypeScript file (or type) names dependent on the actual C# type being generated. For example, you may want the enum file names to end with .enum.ts or the interface file names to end with .interface.ts.

Let’s say you’re generating all C# classes as TypeScript interfaces (by annotating them with the ExportTsInterface attribute). In this case, to achieve the abovementioned conversion, you may write the following type name converter:

public class TypeSuffixConverter: ITypeNameConverter
    public string Convert(string name, Type type)
        if (type.IsClass)
            return name + ".interface";

        if (type.IsEnum)
            return name + ".enum";

        return name;

You could then combine it with the PascalCaseToKebabCase converter in the following way:

  • in CLI: specify [“PascalCaseToKebabCase”, “TypeSuffix”] for the fileNameConverters parameter in your tgconfig.json
  • programmatically: create a converter chain: new TypeNameConverterCollection(new PascalCaseToKebabCaseConverter(), new TypeSuffixConverter()) and pass it in the generator options (FileNameConverters property)

Using converters

To use converters when generating your TS sources, specify a converter chain (i.e. a chain of converters identified by their class names) either in tgconfig.json (for TypeGen CLI) or in the generator options (for programmatical usage).